Physioworks Pakenham
03 5941 5499

31 Main Street,

Pakenham VIC 3810

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Australian Physiotherapy Association
03 5941 5499

31 Main Street,

Pakenham VIC 3810

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Physioworks Pakenham
03 5941 5499

31 Main Street,

Pakenham VIC 3810

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“Your movement is key to performance – and we can always improve our movement”!

Another pre-season tip from Physioworks Health Group Director David Francis who has extensive experience with analysing & improving the movement patterns of high-performance athletes, including 25+ seasons as physiotherapist at the Collingwood Football Club (AFL).

David says that we can all improve our movement patterns & technique – from walking & running, to changing direction & correct landing – you just need to be shown how; and once you improve your movement technique; less injury and improved performance will follow.

Need to improve your movement patterns this pre-season?

Watch David Francis here… and if our team at Physioworks can assist you with your movement – your running, landing, change of direction – please call your preferred Physioworks clinic.

Physioworks David Francis talks pre-season injury prevention