Physioworks Pakenham
03 5941 5499

31 Main Street,

Pakenham VIC 3810

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Australian Physiotherapy Association
03 5941 5499

31 Main Street,

Pakenham VIC 3810

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Physioworks Pakenham
03 5941 5499

31 Main Street,

Pakenham VIC 3810

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With 30+ years of experience, Physioworks Director & Specialist Musculoskeletal Physiotherapist Andrew Dalwood (FACP) believes avoiding injury is a massive challenge facing all athletes on returning to community sport this summer post the enduring COVID-19 lockdown period.

Injury prevention in the return to sport and activity must be a priority for all.

Are you ready to play?  

No matter the sport or the level of competition we all need a solid fitness base.

The extended lockdown has meant most have been restricted with their exercise, and there has been plenty of in-activity & no competitive play conditioning.

Due to the rapid decline, and soon to be rapid incline in activity once things open up again, injury will occur – soft tissue is a major risk especially in young, growing bodies, as you are putting bone & muscle stress on the body, reducing flexibility.

Running sessions are key, complimented by Strength & Conditioning Exercises. Therefore, individuals will need to do extra running & fitness training to be ready to play, especially younger players.

Likely niggles & soreness will occur due to the lack of flexibility including:

  • Front of Knee and Heel (Severs Disease) – which the PHG physio team typically see at the start of each season due to hard grounds/courts
  • Muscle Strains – high quad & high hamstring.
  • Teenage growth – combined with less activity in life (no school, playground, general sport or play, no PE training) – may cause muscle flexibility issues.

How can we best prevent injury?  Slow transition is required for 6+ weeks once we can return to the field or court.

For all players we need to re-build. Normally all would be doing a couple of full training sessions each week of  cricket or basketball then a competitive match, plus most would have been other sports & life style activity – but this has simply not been occurring due to lockdown.

So rebuild is a must, a slow transition is key. Don’t do too much too soon. Be ready to play!!

Physioworks Health Group has long standing relationships educating and supporting numerous local community clubs, such as the Camberwell Magpies Cricket Club, the Brandon Heights Softball Club and Casey Basketball Association, and we will be assisting players and coaches to be ready for a return to summer sport.

As a guide, Physiotherapist Andrew Dalwood suggests an additional “rebuild” training program (for those 13+ years) should include:

  • Extra Running program is essential – extra session/s – each week:
    • 8 x 25m, 6 x100m, 4×200 and 3x400m; (plus general and other sport activity)
  • Strength & Conditioning Exercise session:
    • 2-3 extra session per week for 15 minutes per session
    • Push ups, squats, lunges planks – front and side on- calf raises (30); glute bridges
    • Touchdowns (straight leg bends to the ground) on one leg – great for hamstrings – make sure you do both legs.

The team at Physioworks can assist you to be ready to play and return to your chosen sport this summer with a tailored Exercise program and/or Strength & Conditioning program? Please contact your preferred Physioworks clinic if we can assist you.