Recovery after both training & matches is really important to ensure you are best prepared to play & to help prevent injury across a long winter sports season. As we pass the midpoint of another season, muscle soreness & fatigue is very prevalent for many players.
Members of the physiotherapy & health care team at Physioworks Health Group are working at local community football, netball & basketball clubs, and they offer these two well-versed recovery tips to help you maximise recovery from the rigors of your chosen sport.
“Do R.I.C.E to quickly & effectively self-manage your acute injuries & muscle soreness”
- REST – immobilize the injured area. This reduces the amount of small vessel bleeding, tissue damage & allows quicker recovery.
- ICE – apply to the injured area for 20 minutes, every 2 hours for 48-72 hours. This reduces blood flow, swelling, pain, muscle spasm & prevents any secondary damage to the area.
- COMPRESS – apply a firm wide compression bandage including above & below the injured area. Keep on at all times, except when icing. This causes blood vessel constriction reducing bleeding & swelling.
- ELEVATE – Where possible, it is very important to elevate the injured limb above the level of the heart at all times. This reduces the swelling & small vessel bleeding in the area.
“Avoid H.A.R.M to effectively self-manage your acute injuries & significantly increase your chances of a complete recovery”.
- HEAT – Avoid hot baths / showers, hot water bottles & liniment rubs in the first 48-72 hours. Heat increases blood flow to the region – increasing the swelling.
- ALCOHOL – Alcohol has a similar effect on the body as heat. Alcohol increases swelling by dilating your blood vessels.
- RUNNING – Any form of exercise too soon is detrimental to the healing tissues. Blood flow will increase to the region & healing times will be longer.
- MASSAGE – Massage performed over the affected area will increase trauma & swelling in the area. Oedema massage, performed by a qualified physiotherapist, reduces the swelling & small vessel bleeding in the area.
Download the Physioworks RICE & HARM brochure here – stick it on your fridge!!
If muscle soreness continues, or if you have injury concern, please speak with our team at your Physioworks preferred clinic. Let us ensure you are taking the right precautions to remain on the field or court this season; helping you to perform at your best & enjoy the rest of your season.