Petra Dalwood, a member of the team at Physioworks Camberwell, is navigating the Kumano Kodo Trek, raising funds for Endometriosis, in support of the Julia Argyrou Endometriosis Centre at the Epworth Hospital.
The team at Physioworks Health Group is supporting Petra to train & be prepared for the challenging 5-day trek in Japan in April, acknowledging the impact of this disease.
Endometriosis is a problem not discussed or acknowledge to the level it deserves. One in 7 Australian women, aged 44–49 have endometriosis, navigating daily life with severe pain. Diagnosis, on average, can take up to 7 years.
Physioworks Health Group Director David Francis said “At Physioworks our practitioners are acutely aware of the effect Endometriosis has on one’s physical & mental well-being, both in the short & long term. We are passionate about being involved in important community causes & pleased to support Petra’s fundraising trek & her involvement in the Julia Argyrou Endometriosis Centre”.
You can help by donating to Petra’s fundraising page: DONATE HERE
Even a minimal donation of $10 can have a huge impact and is much appreciated
All donations from Petra’s trek will support the Julia Argyrou Endometriosis Centre at the Epworth Hospital in their research to diagnose, treat & care for women with endometriosis
Like to Learn more? Please take a moment to watch important information about Endometriosis and the Julia Argyrou Centre. WATCH HERE.
Thank you for your support….and trek well Petra!!
#community, #physioworks, #endometriosis, #fundraising, #epworth